Communities In Schools (CIS) of Atlanta partners with 63 schools in metro Atlanta, including Atlanta Public Schools, Clayton, DeKalb, and Fulton County Schools. The CIS model is implemented in each school to help students succeed.
Our students and families face many social and economic challenges. Our goal to empower students to achieve is only possible if they are able to focus on their education and graduate. Many of the barriers they face are due to crisis situations that are out of their control. We work to eliminate those barriers by providing mini grants to stabilize the home
so students are free to concentrate on learning.
We partner with local food pantries and other food providers to ensure that each school we serve has an onsite supply of items for families in need.
Launched in 2017, our work has expanded to serve students in Fulton and DeKalb County who are in foster care. These students need our services more than ever to combat an 18% graduation rate that was reported by Governor Deal for the State of Georgia. CIS of Atlanta will provide additional integrated student supports for the most vulnerable youth in select schools as we expand to a total of nearly 400 youth in the coming years.
A positive role model is essential to student success. We partner with businesses and other nonprofits to ensure that our students have mentors.
We work with students to provide programs to address real world issues like peer pressure, trauma and leadership development. We also bring in partners like the U.S. Attorney office and ex-offenders to talk to students about the real effects of incarceration and the justice system.