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Stone Mountain High School

Dekalb County Schools

About Us


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Stone Mountain High School is a college preparatory public high school located in unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, near Stone Mountain, Georgia. It is located in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. 
Stone Mountain High School has been serving the community for over 100 years, and is one of the oldest high schools in DeKalb County School District. It became a public school around the turn of the century, and was originally called the DeKalb High School. The school colors are red and white and the mascot is a pirate. 
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Mission Statement
The mission of Stone Mountain High School is to provide each student with what they need, when they need it, and with urgency, to ensure excellence and achievement for all students regardless of background.
Vision Statement
The vision of Stone Mountain High School is for each student to graduate college-or-career ready and to become a productive member of our society.

Alma Mater
On the hill beside 
Stone Mountain
Glorious to view
Stands our noble
Mountain High School
Ever firm and true
We will always
Love and cherish
True and loyal be
Hail to thee
Stone Mountain High School
Hail, all hail to thee